Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Daytona Climbing Company located?

The gym is in a complex located at 3100 South Ridgewood Ave. in South Daytona. Turn down Venture Dr. next to Sandy Point Progressive Sports and follow the road back towards the large building. Continue to the South side of the building. There is a section of the parking lot with specified “2-Hour Parking” spaces. The entrance to the building, two glass doors with a large Daytona Climbing Company decal, will take you into a hallway with a large banner leading you to the front door of the gym.

What is bouldering?

Bouldering is a specialized discipline of rock climbing. The defining features of bouldering are ropeless ascents on low, physically intense problems. Bouldering is distinct from free soloing, the discipline of ascending traditionally-roped climbs without a rope, in that the problems are all close to the ground, typically peaking at less than 15 feet.

How much does a membership cost?

We offer a multitude of membership options. Our main offering, the Monthly EFT membership, costs $48 per month with discounted rates available for students and children. We also offer specialty pricing for duos and families. Alternatively, you can purchase a Prepaid Month of membership for $75, or a Prepaid Year of membership for $480. 

Do I need a membership to climb at Daytona Climbing Company?

No, we also offer day passes for anyone looking to pay the gym a visit. Day passes cost $17 for adults and $14 for students and children. We also have 10 Punch Passes available for those expecting to climb multiple times. 

What do I need in order to climb?

To climb at DCC, all you absolutely need is a completed liability waiver and rock climbing shoes. We rent rock shoes if you don’t have a pair of your own. Climbing chalk is recommended but not required, and you’re welcome to rent or buy some from us if you don’t have your own.

Do you have exercise equipment available?

Daytona Climbing Company offers multiple ways to train. The gym features cardio equipment, a weight setup, pull-up bars, resistance bands, and more for those seeking traditional gym gear. We also have a dedicated area for climbing-specific training, which features hangboards, campus boards, a MoonBoard, and a spray wall.

Please note that use of our mechanical equipment and weights are limited to guests 16 years of age and older. Those under 16 are welcome to use the calisthenic climbing area so long as they follow the standard rules and are under parental supervision.

Do you have roped climbing setups for top rope or lead climbing?

At this time, Daytona Climbing Company is a bouldering-only establishment.

Do the floor mats make bouldering safe?

While our floor mats are in place to soften landings and falls, bouldering is inherently dangerous. Please be aware of all risks when you climb and follow all rules and staff instructions in order to manage (but not eliminate) risk.

How often do you change the problems?

We generally reset one section of the wall per week, with new sets debuting on Tuesdays. This is not guaranteed, as unexpected circumstances can arise, but you can usually expect a new set on Tuesday. When in doubt, feel free to ask a staff member.

I just want to watch a friend climb. Do I still need to do the waiver?

Yes, you do. Our liability waivers are required for anyone spending time inside the gym space. This includes spectators, parents/guardians, and anyone else whether or not they choose to climb. However, spectators are not required to purchase a day pass.

Can I wear sneakers while I climb?

Street shoes are not allowed on our walls, nor are bare feet. Rock climbing shoes are required at all times. If you don’t own rock climbing shoes, you will need to rent them from the front desk.

Are kids welcome at Daytona Climbing Company?

Absolutely! Climbing is for everyone, and we welcome children to come enjoy our walls. We do restrict anyone under the age of 16 from using mechanical or weight equipment, but otherwise they are welcome to make use of the facility. Parental supervision and liability waivers are required.

Can I have a party at Daytona Climbing Company?

Parties are more than welcome at DCC, so long as they are booked ahead of time. We offer specified time slots for Birthday Parties each week. We also offer Private Rentals for groups that want the gym to themselves. 

Do you offer climbing lessons?

DCC has 1-on-1 Mentor Sessions available for any climbers looking to improve their skills or learn more about the sport. We occasionally offer group lessons as well, which will be advertised in-gym and on the website. 

Does Daytona Climbing Company have a competitive climbing team?

DCC currently has a Youth Rec Team. Climbers aged 12-18 are welcome to join. Practices are held Monday and Wednesday from 5PM - 7PM. You can learn more about the Youth Team here.